Tuesday, January 10, 2017

We're Driving How Far?

Good morning, Miss Lake!  Time to get in the car and head east.

And, yes.  This IS 4:21 A.M.  
What an ungodly hour.  
Unless it's at a Krispy Kreme.

First stop: California Welcome Center


Some of these photos are a bit "Where's Waldo"-like.  I promise Miss Lake is in all of them.  

Who could pass by the exit for Winslow, Arizona without stopping?  Not me, that's who.  The Eagles and "Takin' It Easy" are from the soundtrack of my early college years.

Miss Lake standin' on the head of someone standin' on the corner in Winslow, Arizona.

You now understand that I will risk life and limb (and Miss Lake herself) to get a photo.  This is in an intersection in Winslow, Arizona, and took a couple of attempts.  I was trying not to get killed by drivers who, for some reason, were not watching for someone running in and out of the intersection carrying a trophy.  
My long suffering husband was hoping I wouldn't end up as a hood ornament on a passing Chevy.  He doesn't know the PIN for the debit card.

That's marriage security.

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