Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Miss Lake Arrives on Campus

After what seems like a very long break (only because I was in a car with my husband driving halfway across the country), I was back in the office today.  

Ahhh, the first day back in the office.  What's a better than that?  Forgetting you just had a root canal and drinking a frozen margarita?  Thinking you are texting your best friend about your dumbass sister and you are actually texting your mom?  Dressing up as a KU fan on Halloween, forgetting it's K State's homecoming, running into the Vice President for Student Affairs and trying to pretend there is not a Jayhawk tattoo on your cheek?  (And yes, it was every bit as awful as it sounds.  I told him that it was either dress as a Jayhawk fan or an attorney and I chose the one that wouldn't get me beat up on the playground.  I'm not sure he bought it, but I do still have a job.)

This is Holton Hall, the home of Student Legal Services.  I took this picture early in the Fall when the sun used to shine.

This picture I took today.  The sun is on holiday (but not in Santa Barbara....) and the ice is coming.  (Game of Thrones, anyone?)

There, you see her?  Sitting on the top left side of the sign?  Lean in, squint a little.  No?  Lean back then and go get your glasses.  She's there, I promise.

A whole year of this.  Won't it be fun?

While I'm here, I'd like to call your attention to the bushes which surround this sign and which I had to crawl into in order to get this damn picture.  I dodge traffic in Winslow, I climb in bushes in Manhattan; what won't I do for a picture of Miss Lake? 

I shared my award with my colleagues in the Office of Student Life and they were appropriately impressed.  Maybe "impressed" is overstating their reaction a bit.  Now that I think about it, I might have mistaken "what the hell is she talking about" with "impressed".  

It's easy to do.  Happens to me all the time in court.

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